We breed F2 Goldendoodles for the variety of qualities we see in this combination. We get anywhere from wavy relaxed coats to tight curly coats. Depending on your doodle preference your sure to find the coat type you like. For this reason we do not guarantee they will be non-shedding and if you are an allergy sufferer you will want to purchase a pure bred poodle or F1b goldendoodle.
Burley at 8 weeks old.
Burley on the left at 8 months, visiting Mama.
Relaxed coat.
Chewy AKA Stanley at 8 weeks old.
8 months old!
Chewy on the right, visiting mama Gertie.
Mmm...that's a yummy bone.
Oaklee at 8 weeks. Oaklee at 8 months.
This is our total retriever boy. With F2s you can get a wide variety. Our Oaklee boy is a perfect example of that. Here he is with his best 2 legged friend EVER!
Bliss at 8 weeks old.
Bliss at 7 months old. I think their going to need to install a sunroof.
Below are added photos from our F2 liter.
Awe, look at Mama checking on her baby Hollister.
Mmm..... warm water to drink in this cold winter weather.
Huddling by the warm heater after playing out in the C....c....c.....o.....l...d weather!
What lazy little pups we have.
6 Weeks and Driggs found the build a bear clothes. Okay well maybe he had a little help!
Good morning mom, we need to wee! A little puppy mush would be nice too.
I see you mom, come on we know your there! Let us out please! We want to explore.....
Does anyone need to go to wee?
Just coming in from outside. Maybe if we all huddle together we'll get warm faster. But where's the other 6 pups, we need them.
Play time with the kids. Gertie has her head in the left corner, checking on her pups. Sydney, our cocker is in the background watching from a distance. The cat is up on the black stool but the photo cropped her out. Hubby on the coach and I holding the camera. Yep this is what the Jones' do in the evening. Never a dull moment in our house.
5 weeks- Bath time......... WOW did I burn some calories washing all these pups! A week goes by and they can get pretty stinky. That's little Hollister telling me that he doesn't like this cold wet tub.
Brrr........ even though I was sweating with all the heat in the bathroom, they were shivering. Not one complained when I blew them dry. And I thought they would be scared of the dryer. Nope they were too cold too care about the noise.

PUPPY MUSH! This week they are eating Grandma Z's puppy formula. Mmm.......
Hailey taking a pause from eating to pose for a photo.
Hollister being held by my sons friend Cydnee. He loves being treated like a baby!
Cydnee is holding Oakley and Drake has Bliss.
Gertie checking on her babies at 4 weeks old.
Riggins snuggling after his bath.
These pups love human interaction. I don't know who loves the attention more, Zane or the puppies.
Hailey was the first to find the ball and start to push it around with her little nose.
Driggs and Burley playing.....
Riggins..... giving kisses.
Sound asleep at 3 weeks old.
The puppies are here, the puppies are here! How excited we are to have these cozy little pups in our home for the Christmas season!
Orange boy (Riggens), Yellow boy (Burley), Navy Blue boy (Hollister), Light Blue (Stanley), Forest Green boy (Driggs), Black boy (Oakley), White girl (Picabo), Pink girl (Hailey), Light Green girl (McCall), Purple girl (Bliss).
Look at how tiny those puppy dog tails are......
Awe..... and those little paws!
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